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Armadura is one of my favorite Bolivian bands. They play good, hard metal, but a bit lyrically. They have a great stage presence and put on a fantastic show. They have a number of compositions, some of which, like Promonicion, have become quite popular, and when they play a cover, they make it their own without abandoning tradition. Besides Premonicion, I particularly like their cover of Kalamarka’s Ama suya, ama llulla, ama kella. They convert the folk staple to a powerful rocker.

Ama sua, ama llulla, ama kella is a Quechua statement philosophy of the right way to live, sometimes called Vivir Bien, or “live good.” Literally, it means, Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not be lazy.


Premonicion is the title track of their latest album, which I strongly suggest you go out and find.


Armadura is made up of:

Boris Mendez Cosio, Vocals
Franz Thames Rossel, Guitar
Ivan Mendez Cossio, Guitar
Marco Antonio Sánchez Martinez, Bass
Leonardo Marcelo Borda Bellido, Drums
Ivan Alejandra Marquez Gonzalez, Wind & Violin
Ines Veronica Gonzalez Ruiz, Wind & Charango

Most recent album: Premonicion

Most recent album: Premonicion

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