Tag: Alexandra
Cerro Pirapi and Pirapi Chico Necropolis and Fortress
About halfway between Caquiaviri and the Bolivia/Chile border at Charaña are two hills on which the ancients chose to build a necropolis and a fortress. I haven’t had the chance to fully explore these hills, but even the short visits I have made to this area have been very interesting. Even without climbing the hills you […]
Posted: February 20th, 2015 under Altiplano, Archeology, Birds, Bolivia, Churches, Day Trip, Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, La Paz, Mapping, South America, Travel.
Tags: Alexandra, Altiplano, Bolivia, Church, Day Trip, Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, La Paz, Larry, Mapping, Tatyana, Travel
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Natural Arches Near Tiwanaku
Maybe it should not have surprised me to find natural arches in Bolivia. After all, the scenery is often reminiscent of that of Utah, my home state. Still, it was a big surprise to look up from my sandwich as we picnicked on a rock outcropping south of Tiwanaku and see two natural arches. They are only […]
Posted: May 22nd, 2013 under Altiplano, Bolivia, Day Trip, La Paz, South America, Travel.
Tags: Alexandra, Bolivia, Day Trip, La Paz
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The trip to Tiwanaku is a “must-do” excursion from La Paz. The remains of the capital of the longest-lived empire in South America is something you don’t want to miss. The ruins are impressive. The history behind them is even more impressive. I’m not going to get into all of that here, so you definitely […]
Posted: May 18th, 2013 under Altiplano, Archeology, Bolivia, Day Trip, La Paz, South America, Travel.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Altiplano, Archeology, Bolivia, Day Trip, Family, La Paz
Comments: 3
Sary Chelek
Sary Chelek lives up to its billing as one of the gems of Kyrgyz natural beauty (a pretty tall order). A large alpine lake set in a deep mountain bowl and surrounded by pines, Sary Chelek reminds me of the rugged beauty of the mountain lakes high in the American Rockies (specifically, since they were […]
Posted: January 4th, 2012 under Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, Jalalabad, Kyrgyzstan, Mapping, Travel, Uncategorized.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Christina, Family, Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, Kyrgyzstan, Larry, Mapping, Swimming, Travel, William
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Millennial Walnut Tree Arslanbob is a wonderful little village north of Jalalabad. Surrounded by ancient walnut forests, and with a particularly hospitable population, it is a great place to just relax. Arslanbob lies some 30 miles off the main Bishkek-Jalalabad road. The road is good, and it’s a pleasant drive through the countryside. Attached you […]
Posted: December 29th, 2011 under Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, Jalalabad, Kyrgyzstan, Mapping, Travel.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Christina, Google Earth, GPS, Hiking, Jalalabad, Kyrgyzstan, Mapping, Myrna, Tatyana, Travel, William
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Week at Lake Issyk Kul
We had a great week visiting Lake Issyk Kul. Issyk Kul is the centerpiece of the biosphere reserve of the same name, and one of the most famous sites in Kyrgyzstan. At more than 5,000 feet above sea level, 113 miles long, up to 37 miles wide, and more than 2,000 feet deep, it is […]
Posted: August 11th, 2011 under Family, Google Earth, GPS, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, Mapping, Travel, Uncategorized, Vacation.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Christina, Family, Google Earth, GPS, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, Larry, Mapping, Swimming, Travel
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Kids in Kyrgyzstan!
Alexandra, Christina and William arrived on July 1! The adventures have already started. On July 2, they came with us to the U.S. Embassy 4th of July celebration. It rained a bit, but we had chosen our spot well, and just slipped into the yurt which had been set up on the Embassy grounds. The […]
Posted: July 11th, 2011 under Bishkek, Family, Kyrgyzstan.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Bishkek, Christina, Day Trip, Family, Kyrgyzstan, Larry, Tatyana, William
Comments: none
Happy New Year!
We had a good New Year’s celebration, shooting off fireworks at home. On New Year’s Day we went downtown to wander around a bit. That was about it for the kids trip to Kyrgyzstan. We are looking forward to having them here again in the summer.
Posted: January 16th, 2010 under Bishkek, Family, Kyrgyzstan.
Tags: Alexandra, Bishkek, Christina, Family, Kyrgyzstan, William
Comments: none
At Issyk-Ata
From the Burana Tower, we went up the mountains to Issyk-Ata, a Soviet-era “Sanitorium.” Traditionally, in this part of the world, whenever you had hot springs you turned them into a place for treating the ill. Issyk-Ata means “Father Heat” and it is a hot spring with a large complex of treatment facilities, a couple […]
Posted: January 14th, 2010 under Family, Kyrgyzstan.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Family, Kyrgyzstan, William
Comments: none
Climbing the Thousand-Year-Old Burana Tower
We spent one day visiting the ruins of the ancient Silk Road City of Balasagun, including the thousand-year-old Burana Tower. Balasagun was the capital city of the region when Genghis Khan showed up in the 13th Century. He didn’t destroy the city (which was apparently quite out of character for him), but just renamed it. […]
Posted: January 13th, 2010 under Family, Kyrgyzstan.
Tags: Alexandra, Aliciya, Christina, Family, Kyrgyzstan, Larry, Tatyana, William
Comments: 1