Tag: Economics
Fun Photo
I got a kick out of the photo they used in this article on “Voucher Schemes for Enhanced Fertilizer Use.” That was a great day. The woman in the photo was a “Hero Mother of the Soviet Union.” I think she said she had eight children. I was handing her a bag of sugar beet […]
Posted: January 12th, 2012 under Assistance, Economics, Kyrgyzstan.
Tags: Agriculture, Assistance, Economics, Kyrgyzstan
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Happy New Year CAFMI!
This is the New Years card I got from the guys at the Central Asian Free Market Institute (CAFMI). Love it! Happy New Year to everybody, and especially to the CAFMI Crew!
Posted: December 29th, 2011 under Celebration, Economics, Kyrgyzstan, Politics.
Tags: Celebration, Economics, Freedom, Kyrgyzstan, New Years, Politics
Comments: none
Tajikistan’s CU membership depends on Kyrgyzstan
Tajikistan’s membership in the Russian-Kazakhstani-Belarusian Customs Union (CU) depends on how soon Kyrgyzstan joins the CU?
Posted: June 13th, 2011 under Customs Union, Economics, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Trade.
Tags: Customs Union, Economics, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Trade
Comments: none